10 Reasons I Started Writing On Medium
Why did I choose this platform?
The Reasons I Started Writing On Medium
If you’re like me, you have multiple interests and writing about them on different blogging platforms isn’t enough to share your opinion with the world. That’s why I started writing on Medium, too! Here are 10 reasons why I started writing on Medium as well as all of my blogs and social media pages. Check it out!
A New Platform For Me
Medium is a good option for those who have never written on a blogging platform before. It’s very intuitive and easy to understand, even if you don’t consider yourself tech-savvy. Medium also allows you to respond to comments, publish visual content and posts of any length (as opposed to word limits) and let readers read your content offline if they so choose.
The downside is that it doesn’t allow quite as much customization or control as other platforms do. And if your site goes viral, you won’t be able to measure its effectiveness with analytics tools like Google Analytics or know where people are coming from, though you can monitor impressions by going into promote mode in which all links on your story lead back to your site.
Self Expression
For me, writing on Medium is my way of expressing myself. Sure, blogging isn’t for everyone (I understand that not everyone writes because they want to), but for those who do want to write, there’s no better place than Medium.
It lets you write at your own pace, without any ads in your face or intimidating comments telling you how long each paragraph should be (that was always a struggle of mine).
If anyone ever tells you blogging is a waste of time, ignore them, you’re doing it right!
Being able to write what you want and when you want really made me enjoy writing again.
Being Helpful to Others
When you’re writing, don’t think about you, think about your readers. Help them and they will help you by reading your posts and by sharing your posts with their friends. If a post is interesting or informative enough, people will share it regardless of who wrote it.
Your goal should be to deliver content that is helpful to others. You’ll also discover that as you do things for others, good things come back to you. The best part is that helping others doesn’t always require money or effort, sometimes all it takes is a simple answer on how to do something or what something means.
Don’t underestimate how powerful some small help can be in making someone else successful which ultimately helps us become successful too!
Measuring Success
When I was seven years old, my parents signed me up for piano lessons at a local music school. After five months of playing scales and learning how to read sheet music, my teacher told me that she would no longer be teaching me because it was evident that I didn’t have a natural talent for it.
The phrase has stuck with me ever since and not in a good way. Because while there are some things that can’t be taught or learned, most skills (including writing) can. And while you might not get lucky enough to be talented in every aspect of your life, it doesn’t mean you should let that fact hold you back from achieving your goals.
A Creative Process
The first reason I started writing on medium is that it allows me to create my own creative process. When I write my posts, it doesn’t feel like work because it isn’t work. If you think of your writing in terms of a job, you’ll likely burn out really quickly.
The fact that medium takes care of all aspects of publishing for me makes it easy to do what I enjoy and not worry about the technical details that will take away from creativity. Instead, I get to focus on coming up with a topic or message, putting down my thoughts in text form, and then letting them flow freely onto Medium where they can be read by other people who may find value in them.
Observation of Trends & Engagement
As a blogger, I’ve long been fascinated by social media. At first, my interest was mostly in understanding how we used it to express ourselves and connect with others. But recently, I’ve started paying attention to why social media has become so powerful.
The last few years have seen a meteoric rise in what is now referred to as content marketing. Marketers are using social media to create compelling content that invites audience interaction and builds trust with consumers.
Finding A Supportive Community
While it might seem that blogging is an individual activity, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The act of writing down your thoughts and opinions can help you connect with others in a meaningful way. You don’t need to comment on or even interact with other bloggers.
Just reading what they have to say will help you think more deeply about yourself, your goals, and where you want to go.
Having someone out there who believes in you can also be very encouraging.
Also having people rooting for you (even if they don’t know who you are) can make all of those tough decisions along your journey feel easier.
Showcasing My Talents
One of my favorite things about writing on Medium is getting to showcase my work. When I was freelancing, it was really hard to get my best work out there.
While other writers’ most engaging articles may be seen by thousands, mine would likely end up in a small corner of an SEO driven content farm website where very few people would ever see them. As a result, some potential clients might have been turned off or simply not taken me seriously because they didn’t know what type of quality or engagement level to expect from me.
Practicing Gratitude
Sometimes when you’re down in life, it can be hard to see anything to be grateful for. It’s easy to focus on all of your problems and forget about all of your blessings. Every night before going to bed, write a list of five things that you’re grateful for in your life. Start out by thinking about what you have rather than what you don’t have will help put things into perspective and prepare you for a more positive outlook during times of struggle.
Things change very quickly in life! If we’re not careful, one day we’ll wake up and realize that we’re unhappy with everything around us because our perspective changed for some reason or another.
Getting in Touch With My Inner Voice
One of my favorite quotes is from Ralph Waldo Emerson:
The only way to have a friend is to be one.
If you haven’t done so already, it’s important to know and get in touch with your inner voice. In fact, what if your inner voice isn’t necessarily one that you would want everyone to know? Do you think that people will like you any less?
In most cases, quite the opposite happens. People respect honesty and authenticity. There’s no better place than writing on Medium for those who are willing and brave enough to step out of their shell.
Final Thoughts
Writing on Medium is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. As someone who loves to write, it’s a great place to experiment with style and content. It gives you an amazing opportunity to connect with people across different industries and gain an audience of readers that are interested in what you have to say. I never would have had that opportunity if it wasn’t for Medium, so that is why I wrote this article.