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1 Big Reason Why You Can’t Remain Consistent

I’m right there with you

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently”

- Tony Robbins

Photo by Paolo Bendandi on Unsplash

Where to start?




Just a few things that hold us back from remaining consistent. But, I believe one of them stand above the rest. That is fear. Not just fear all alone but, the fear of something.

That something is, success. The fear of success. Sounds ridiculous right? How can you fear something when the goal is to be successful and succeed at what you set out for?


You fear the responsibility and the extra work that may come with this new success. This uncharted territory that you do not know how to navigate. That’s where the fear is.

So, you slow roll your work, your passions, your side hustles. You take it easy instead of giving it your all and staying consistent with it. This way you can at least say, “Well hey I’m doing the work, I’m trying”.

Using that as your scape goat to let your passions and aspirations go to rest. This can not be the way. It just can’t be.

You see, I can say all of this because I’ve done it. I still do it. Let me tell you it doesn’t work. You must commit. WE must commit.

I’m here to share my experience and perspective on things because I know you or someone you know and so on can relate to my same experiences. This is how we help each other. This is how knowledge is shared.

How to Change This

2 words

Let go.

Let go of the fear, the anxiety, the stress, the unknown what ifs.

Fear surrounds us in life. From the tv screens, to the papers, to the coworker spreading it next to you.

Become the traveller into that unknown of what’s on the other side of the all the work you must do to reach your dreams. Once you’ve travelled it then become the navigator. Navigate right by all of your fear.

Stop focusing on the outcome and enjoy the process. Whenever things get tough and you find yourself slacking and in fact, being less consistent. Ground yourself.

Relocate your WHY.

Then get back to basics. You will thank yourself for doing this. This will also help you forget about that fear.

It has been often said that everything we want is on the other side of fear. That statement could not be any more true. Fear could have lead me to be less consistent and therefore maybe not have even written this for you to read.

I could have let the fear of not getting any reads, or poor feedback stop me from consistently writing on this platform. But, I let go.

I decided that what I want and what I am pursuing is far more valuable than fear of that unknown. So, type away I will.

And let me tell you.

It feels damn good.

So, I’ll leave you with this. LET GO. Everything you want is waiting on the other side of your consistency.

Lead your path.

As always thank you for reading and I hope you too can become inspired to pursue your dreams.

Self Improvement
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