

The author reflects on the concept of one's life as a TV series, drawing parallels between personal experiences and various television shows, while also sharing a personal journey of change and nostalgia.


The author engages in a thought experiment, imagining life as a television series and pondering which episode would be the most favored. Drawing inspiration from a previous article on having a life soundtrack, the author explores how different TV shows reflect aspects of their own life. Shows like 'Succession', 'Sex and the City' spinoff 'And Just Like That', and 'Stranger Things' evoke memories and emotions that resonate with the author's experiences, such as family dynamics, personal growth, and childhood nostalgia. The author also humorously contemplates the idea of their life mirroring the adventures of Spiderman during teenage years. The article concludes with the author envisioning a personal TV series centered around a movie and theatre enthusiast who acts as a confidant to friends and shares a special bond with their grandmother. The author invites readers to consider how TV series might parallel their own lives and suggests that everyone's life could be a unique blend of shows or an award-winning series in the making.


  • The author often daydreams about life in various imaginative contexts, such as having a soundtrack or being a TV series.
  • Despite differences in wealth, the author finds relatable moments in 'And Just Like That', particularly in dealing with midlife changes and the desire to refresh one's life.
  • 'Succession' resonates with the author's experience of family conflicts and personal losses, despite not having siblings.
  • 'Stranger Things' evokes a strong sense of 1980s nostalgia for the author, reminiscent of their own childhood experiences.
  • The author expresses a wish to have lived a life more akin to that of Spiderman during their teenage years.
  • The author values their role as an 'agony uncle' for friends and their close relationship with their grandmother, envisioning these aspects as central to their hypothetical TV series.
  • The author finds the exercise of matching life events with TV shows to be enjoyable and suggests readers might find similar reflections in their own lives.

What If Your Life Was A TV Series?

Which Episode Would Be Your Favourite?

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Sometimes I daydream about all sorts of things. When I say sometimes, I mean nearly all of the time. You may remember that recently I wrote an article about having a soundtrack for your life. That was one example of what I often think about, especially when I daydream.

Here it is, if you missed it the first time.

Anyway, today I was imagining that my life was a TV series. I actually had ‘Succession’ in mind originally but then I drifted off into other possibilities.

Have you ever compared your life to a hit TV show?

TV Shows That I Relate To.

Now, it may seem unlikely but I was watching the new ‘Sex and the City’ spinoff – ‘And Just Like That’ last night and thinking about how some of their midlife dilemmas resonate with 45-year-old me.

Even though they are seriously rich and I am not, I get how they feel about certain situations. Carrie is learning to not cling to the past and to move forward. I have recently made many changes to my home and decluttered a lot of things that contain important memories. And just like her, I felt a need to freshen things up.

Going back to Succession, I don’t have any siblings but have witnessed some very messy family fallouts, been involved in awkward relationships, and lost a lot of money in an online gambling binge in my twenties.

I chuckle a lot when watching Stranger Things as I remember all of the 1980s nostalgia that they signpost. My childhood was a 1980s geek fest of Star Wars toys, mountain bike races, and playing basketball on my best friend’s driveway.

I have never had the Upside Down experience of ‘Stranger Things’ but I definitely can relate to the old fashioned TV sets, magical board games and acting out of Dungeons and Dragons.

Final Thoughts

For me, the idea of trying to match TV shows to my life is lots of fun. I can imagine how some programs link to my life now, my university days, and my teenage years. Part of me wishes that my life was more like that of Spiderman back then.

Anyway, my TV series would be about a guy who is obsessed with movies and theatre, spends a lot of time acting like an agony uncle for his friends, and is incredibly close to his rather grumpy nan.

Have you ever compared a TV series to your own life?

Is there one that mirrors your experiences?

Maybe you are a combination of shows or perhaps yours is still several pilot episodes waiting to launch into an Emmy-winning long-running series.

TV Series
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