- 英國關注香港事態
- 歡迎香港政府透過11月24日區議會選舉讓民眾發聲
- 關注林鄭月娥會否確實反映區選結果傳達的訊息
- 現在是機會透過政治對話反映香港人的正當期許及尊重一國兩制,以解決當前危機
- 少數堅持使用暴力的示威者應當停止
- 繼續全力支持香港人多月以來和平示威的權利
- 示威需和平合法,且當權者需按比例回應
- 政治對話需各方參與,有心尋求和平解決
- 對香港事故展開穩健、可信和獨立的調查,是解紛立信、支持對話和解決問題的重要一步
- 英國完全承諾堅持香港高度自治、《中英聯合聲明》應許的權利自由及《基本法》列明的一國兩制
- 《中英聯合聲明》今日依然生效,對英方有合法約束力,英方有責密切監察落實
- 《基本法》列明行政長官及立法會選舉將導向全面普選,是保證香港長治久安和有利各方的最好途徑。
I am writing to earnestly plea for your support to our demand on the direct democratic election of the 2020 Hong Kong Legislative Council.
Since the outbreak of the protests movement over the extradition bill starting June 2019, there has been dozens of deaths and over 6000 arrests as a result to the Chinese Communist Party and the Hong Kong Government suppression over the protests. Nevertheless, we still keep on fighting, in the hopes that our efforts will not be forgotten by the rest of the world.
Backed by the Chinese Communist Party, the Hong Kong Police Force have been brazen about their violence and brutality against citizens, which has become a serious threat to our lives and properties. The government have turned a deaf ear to international condemnations and have refused to change nor to respond to our demands, instead they are protracting in the attempts of disintegrating the protests movement. Beijing have failed to fulfill their promises made under the Sino-British Joint Declaration signed in 1984, they continue to ruin “One Country, Two Systems” and damage the judicial system, and have hastened their speed in social and political infiltration in order to impede universal suffrage by 2047. In face of all the difficulties, we are, notwithstanding, at the front line against the Communists, and we resolutely defend our values and rights for freedom and democracy.
The election of Hong Kong Legislative Council (LegCo) will be held in September 2020. Just as what has been happening in recent years, half of the LegCo seats will continued to be sent by the Pro-Beijing camp, hence the LegCo will still be under Beijing control regardless of the number of votes and the number of seats that the Pro-Democracy camp wins, in which case the LegCo will continue to lose its function in keeping government legislation in check. And just as what has been happening, hundreds of billions dollars will continue to be sent from Hong Kong to China by passing the bills that are detrimental to Hong Kong, which will further undermine Hong Kong’s special status that was once highly favourable for international businesses and trades. In view of this, we appeal to your government’s support to urge the Hong Kong Government and Beijing to respond to Hong Kong people’s demand to elect 2020 LegCo by universal suffrage, and object to the upcoming LegCo election in September 2020 that is neither democratic and nor is elected by universal suffrage. As we all know, it is only through election by universal suffrage that the LegCo can legitimately and effectively represent people’s demands and interests, thereupon returning power to the people, so that our desire for transitional justice can be achieved.
Václav Havel, former President of Czech Republic, said "I really do inhabit a system in which words are capable of shaking the entire structure of government, where words can prove mightier than ten military divisions." I encourage you to believe that the power of words is suffice to change the world, and I hereby invite you to change the world for the better by vocally pressing Beijing and the Hong Kong Government to fulfill their promise on our rights for universal suffrage.
#2020普選立法會 #2020取消功能組別